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Project management

Currently, project management is considered an essential tool that can impact and make a professional and personal difference. It is possible to say that the goals and objectives of projects are achieved in a more efficient and better way when they are managed.

First, before approaching the main topic,”project management,” it is essential to understand what a project is and the concept of management.

A project corresponds to an activity or a set of actionsto achieve specific results or objectives. Projects can have different dimensions (with various complexities). However, they all aim and have a clear purpose. According to the “Project Management Institute,” a project is considered “a temporary effort undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.”

In general, projects are made up of stages that necessarily require their passage to complete their activities. They are (Builder, 2021):

  • Initial Phase: Collection of all data and identification of possible limitations that may interfere with the project;
  • Planning phase: Detailed structuring of the plan;
  • Execution phase: Carrying out activities with maximum efficiency, safety, and quality to deliver the best results;
  • Control phase: Monitoring of activities and their progress;
  • Closing phase: Official conclusion of the project.

Regarding management, this one involves a set of fundamental principles for a better administration of the organization in all its fields to promote integration and better use of the materials at its disposal. Its purpose is to achieve the above objectives. (Andrade, 2019).

Finally, project management is defined as a set of practices and skills used to plan, execute, guide, and control an organization’s projects, not depending on their size and complexity. It should be noted that this management always seeks to ensure a result that satisfies both the organization/company and its “end customer.” (Justo, 2018).

The project management process begins with project creation and continues throughout the project lifecycle.And any team that works together to achieve a shared goal is involved in project management (Yarbrough, 2021).

Project management can offer a company various benefits that will contribute to its growth, such as (Justo, 2018):

  • Cost reduction;
  • Time optimization;
  • More assertive results;
  • Risk control;
  • Greater team involvement;
  • Greater customer satisfaction.

Project manager

A project manager is a professional responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of projects and preventing any problems, doing this through planning, execution, and guidance of all stages(Espinha, 2018).

To be a good project manager, it is necessary to have skills that contribute to better performance (Espinha, 2018):

  • ability to work under pressure;
  • time and task management:
  • knowledge of all functions and steps associated with the project;
  • flexibility;
  • good interpersonal communication;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • leadership;
  • be able to identify and manage all the people who participate in the projects.

International project management:

International project management is the management of projects across borders and cultures. Therefore, it requires a specific set of skills to ensure success (O’Halloran, 2014).

Compared to the past, the current scenario promotes a different business environment due to the globalization of the economy, technological development, political reforms, and economic interdependence. Consequently, this change led to the development of companies and their projects internationalize at various levels, which could be called “international projects” or “transnational projects” (Watanukiet al., 2014).

One of the indicators of the degree of development of an organization/company is reflected in its capacity for internationalization, since greater competition at an international level allows it to maintain its domestic market and expand its business in the foreign market, providing new working environments (Watanukiet al., 2014).

Currently, the competence of managing international projects has become a strategic element for companies/organizations since, by differentiating themselves from traditional and conventional structures, they present more risks, doubts, and challenges than national projects.

The proper integration of the project itself represents one of the main challenges to managing international projects due to the difficulties it entails, such as barriers in communication (linguistic), sharing knowledge, and decision-making. For the project to be successful, it is necessary to use and apply efficient management tools and techniques in different geographic regions, always considering the differences in organizational cultures. (Watanukiet al., 2014).

Considering everything that has been discussed throughout this article, it is possible to understand the importance of project management and everything that involves it to achieve better results and consequently positively impact the company/organization in question.


(2017). O que é gestão de projetos e como ela auxilia no controle de atividades, [online] Availableat:

Andrade, L. (2019). O que é gestão? Entenda a importância de gerenciar bem sua empresa, [online] Siteware. Available at:

Builder, P. (2021). Gestão de Projeto – entenda o que é e para o que serve?, [online] Project Builder. Available at:

Espinha, R.G. (2018). Gestão de Projetos: o que é e TUDO sobre como gerenciar projetos, [online] Artia. Available at:

Justo, A.S. (2018). O que é Gestão de Projetos: guia completo + como fazer em 5 passos, [online] EUAX. Available at:

O’Halloran, C. (2014). International Project Management – A Tool For Success, [online] Available at:

Simplilearn (2020). What Is a Project: Definition, Features, and Examples, [online] Available at:

Watanuki, H.M., et all (2014). Gestão de projetos internacionais: um estudo bibliométrico. Gestão&Produção, [online] Available at:

Yarbrough, Q. (2021). Project Definition: The Meaning of a Project, [online] Available at:

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